Jan 9, 2024
Your messaging can speak to ALL of your audience. How? Using proven and reliable psychological elements in your business. In fact, when our highest level coach and owner of MAXIMized Business, Andrea Maxim, learned what she’s sharing with you on the podcast, she realized she was leaving out a huge percentage of her audience and the results of using them dramatically increased sales.
In this episode, Andrea is going to walk you through four psychological elements you can use in your messaging today. Listen in and discover how to be more intentional mindful with your copy and messaging, simple ways to improve your communication in life and business, Andrea’s personal journey using these elements, and why some frameworks don’t work and how to shift. Reconstructing your messaging, your copy, and the information you share can make a massive difference in open rates, click-through rates, cost per lead, sales, conversions, etc., and if “reconstructing” sounds intimidating… it doesn’t have to be!
Did you enjoy this episode? I'd love it if you'd share it on Instagram and tag me @iambrandonlucero and Andrea @themaximmovement! Thank you for supporting the show.
[BONUS EPISODE] Do you want an exclusive podcast episode that's going to finally help you master your ad messaging? Here's all you need to do - Take a screenshot of your favorite New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast episode and post that screenshot on IG and tag me @iambrandonlucero! That's it! Team Lucero will send you the link to the bonus episode.
[QUIZ] Your Business Focus Generator: Find out what you should focus on to take your biz to the next level and get a personalized podcast playlist to help you! Take the quiz here - https://brandonlucero.com/biz-quiz