May 28, 2024
We all have insecurities and negative patterns we fall into like guilting or victimhood. This can take the form of thoughts like, "Why am I not 'there' yet?", or, "What’s wrong with me? Why Can’t I figure this out?" It’s especially easy to fall into these thoughts and emotions when starting something new like a...
May 21, 2024
As a business owner with over 1,000 students in my programs at any given time, we’ve built a team of go-to coaches who are in the know when it comes to our teachings and what students need. Our senior coaches work with students each day. They know what’s working, what’s not, and how to help students move through...
May 14, 2024
Students often ask me to help them with their messaging on an opt-in page, and when I ask what it’s converting at, they say 40%. My response? Nope, that opt-in page does not need help. Uncovering what’s working with your messaging and what’s not is HUGE in your business. Because otherwise you’re wasting time and...
May 7, 2024
You’ve heard me talk about educational content quite a bit and how it shouldn’t be 100% of the content you put out there. But it does play an important role in your messaging when you do need to teach, like in webinars or a percentage of your social media content. For my students, many get frustrated because the...